Thursday, May 2, 2013

Summer Bucket List

So every year I tell myself we are going to keep a routine this summer and accomplish all kinds of things.  I don't know about you guys but I hardly ever stick to it.  I do love the idea of a summer bucket list.  What a fun idea to sit and talk with your kids about all the stuff they would like to do this summer and then you can put it all on a checklist and mark them off as you go.  Simple things like natures walks, camping in the backyard, lemonade stand,  etc.  I love it and I am more likely to stick to something like that.

How does your summer go?  what are some things you try to accomplish with your kids?

We will be doing a lot of trips to the library and reading this summer.  My son doesn't seem to love books but I think making the library a weekly trip and reading a little everyday on his own and together will really help.

We are also traveling a lot more this summer and I planned a 2 week trip with my in-laws.  I will be doing a post on some websites I have found, ways to travel on a budget, and more :)

Enjoy the rest of the week and thanks for following!!!

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